
Hi, welcome to my asbestos blog. Introducing, my name is Ethan, Ethan Meagher by the way. I know about the asbestos maybe since I was a child, still new learner but I read many asbestos news every week.

As you know, asbestos is one of the danger material that causes several diseases such as mesothelioma even lung cancer. In my country (Australia), using asbestos is banned and the law has protected the people from touching this hazard.

There is something critical in this industry, can you imagine what is that?

Awareness that is right, the asbestos awareness is still low!

Many people still using the asbestos material in their home, you may also can check your home from the existing of asbestos. Asbestos is usually found in home-roof, insulation, pipe, ceiling and wall, so you have to double test it before you feel safe.

I can't write many words at this time, but you can find more about asbestos industries (testing, removal, register, etc.) in this blog. Thank you and have a good day.

Last Updated on: August 20, 2015

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